Coreio offers a suite of services directed at the milestones of the software and hardware lifecycle, like acquisition, configuration, deployment and retirement.

Fulfillment Services

As experts in IT Asset Lifecycle Management, we help our clients by off-loading the scalable and repeatable tasks that are necessary to the hardware lifecycle. From acquisition across the full spectrum of computing hardware (routers to smartphones) and software, to configuration and imaging, asset tagging and physical deployment, we keep your end users current and productive. Along the way, we also manage your bottom line by eliminating the acquisition and management of unnecessary inventory, through accurate analysis of your needs, and precise tracking of existing assets, to ensure they are being used as intended. When it’s time to retire assets, we offer options like whole device resale or redeployment. If assets cannot be reused, we pursue component harvesting in an environmentally responsible and data security-minded manner.


Learn more about Lifecycle and Managed Services

Contact us to see how we can help your organization take the next step forward in building a future-proof IT infrastructure