News & Views

Welcome to Coreio’s new blog, News & Views. We’re excited to add a fresh new voice to the world of IT Infrastructure and Operations. This is the place to read news about Coreio, get a look inside our organization, meet some of the great people who support our clients, and learn more about how Coreio’s solutions can help your organization manage the Infrastructure and Operations challenges of the modern enterprise.

ServiceNow Implementation Insights: Configuration vs Customization

Selecting the right ServiceNow implementation method is crucial for your organization’s success. This guide dives into the differences between configuration and customization, highlighting five key considerations: time, budget, complexity, resources, and risk. Whether you need a rapid, out-of-the-box solution or a tailored approach, understanding these factors will help you make an informed decision. Discover how Coreio’s expertise can streamline your ITSM with both quick and custom implementations to fit your unique business needs. Contact us today to drive your IT success.

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The Importance of Employee Attestation in IT Asset Management

In today’s fast-paced business environment, effective IT Asset Management (ITAM) is more critical than ever. One crucial aspect often overlooked is employee attestation, which ensures accurate tracking, enhanced security, compliance, and cost savings. Discover how Coreio’s Asset Clarity, built on ServiceNow’s platform, can streamline your ITAM processes and improve operational performance.

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7 Tips for Navigating Complexity in IT Asset Management

Effective IT Asset Management (ITAM) is pivotal for operational efficiency and strategic business decisions. As IT infrastructure complexity increases, a robust ITAM strategy can prevent operational headaches and drive significant business value. In this blog post,...

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Slow and steady wins the Windows 10 migration race

If you feel the need to rush your migration to Windows 10 as mainstream support for Windows 7 has come to an end, don’t. You’re better off taking the time to do it right to avoid any pitfalls during the transition. Even in the smallest, most standardized desktop...

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Are you ready for the downstream effects of GDPR compliance?

Privacy has been the new normal for a while now, but the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ups the stakes. With it now in effect, you’ve likely met the initial requirements for compliance . But there’s always going to be more to do, and there are less obvious...

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Business Continuity Management: A Few Guiding Principles

During the development and evolution of a Business Continuity Management (BCM) program, every organization will face its own unique set of challenges.  However, despite these differences, there are some general guiding principles that can help ease the process. 

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Understanding the Potential and Pitfalls Behind Blockchain

The first unveiling of blockchain technology emerged when Bitcoin first launched in 2009 as a method of secure and direct payment between two parties over the internet. As its usage and understanding of the technology behind it began to grow banks became increasingly...

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