News & Views

Welcome to Coreio’s new blog, News & Views. We’re excited to add a fresh new voice to the world of IT Infrastructure and Operations. This is the place to read news about Coreio, get a look inside our organization, meet some of the great people who support our clients, and learn more about how Coreio’s solutions can help your organization manage the Infrastructure and Operations challenges of the modern enterprise.

Guiding Principles for Data Centre Migrations

After deciding to move a data centre’s workload and thoroughly evaluating the business risk of failure, fall back options, costs, staff capabilities and other company initiatives to the develop the migration strategy, you’re ready to develop the detailed implementation plans to make it happen.

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Strategic Approaches to Data Centre Migration

Is your organization considering migrating its data centre? There are several different reasons why many companies are taking that step. If yours is, the first question may be: “How?”.  In this blog post, we consider the pros and cons of five such migration...

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Coreio’s 2017 United Way Activities

For over 20 years, Coreio has been partnering with The United Way to give back within our community.  The charity is the largest non-governmental supporter of social services in the region.

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Coreio Marks Its Headquarters’ 20th Anniversary

This December, Coreio marks the twentieth anniversary of its headquarters at 55 Director Court in Woodbridge, Ontario.   Built specifically for us in 1997 to support the growth of the then-16-year-old company, the new space was designed with the needs of a rapidly...

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Our Warehouse Team are Coreio’s Unsung Heroes

At Coreio, we believe “we work as a team; we succeed as one.” In keeping with that spirit, we regularly feature on this blog some of the teams that make Coreio great, and that help us succeed, but that might not always find the spotlight.  A great example we wish to...

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Coreio’s Take on Site Reliability Engineering

What is SRE and where does it come from? The IT Industry has never met a buzzword it didn’t like; it’s only natural that it would be so, working in a field in which change is constant and rapid, and there’s a certain level of technical complexity, just getting things...

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